Release: unreleased
- added custom tags to graphs
- added creation of conversion goals from drop down at top
- added neutral title and meta information for dashboards on custom domains
- added loading filter options when searching
- added filtering funnels and short links by tags
- renamed "includes" and "excludes" to "contains" and "not contains" for filters
- include year for the date in session cards
- hide exit path on session card if the session has bounced
- fixed opening dialogs from the top drop-down menu when switching pages
- fixed theme title not being applied
- upgraded AWS SDK
- updated dependencies
Release: 2025-03-25
- added entry/exit pages to CSV export
Release: 2025-03-23
- fixed extracting hostname from URL on API
Release: 2025-03-19
- added email to checkout
- auto-select currency on checkout based on customer location
- removed option to select currency on checkout
Release: 2025-03-11
- fixed delete on cluster for statistics
- updated dependencies
Release: 2025-03-06
- fixed undefined hostname in live view links
- fixed disabling filter and view selection if period contains imported data
- updated dependencies
Release: 2025-02-23
- fixed storing a page view for an event if the session hasn't been created yet
- updated dependencies
Release: 2025-02-20
- added block list for auto-join feature in organizations to exclude common email providers
- prevent running deletion process again if it hasn't finished
- updated dependencies
Release: 2025-02-19
- improved importer (GA, Plausible, Fathom)
- fixed long running import jobs
- updated dependencies
Release: 2025-02-12
- always store a page view, even if bounced
- fixed time on page when first page is reloaded multiple times
Release: 2025-02-10
- added conversion rate for all filter fields
- improved bot filters
- improved OS and OS version mapping
- fixed reading imported statistics with platform filter
- fixed missing conversion rate graph on mobile
- updated dependencies
Release: 2025-01-31
- fixed missing API scopes
Release: 2025-01-29
- added option to disable docs links (Enterprise)
- updated dependencies
Release: 2025-01-28
- added tags to conversion goals
- fixed creating conversion goals with pattern that already exists but different event name
- updated dependencies
Release: 2025-01-20
- fixed attaching UTM parameters to URL shortener
Release: 2025-01-19
- fixed listing funnels without tags
Release: 2025-01-19
- added URL shortener
- added tags to organize funnels
- fixed growth arrow
- updated dependencies
Release: 2025-01-15
- fixed numbers in chart tooltip when comparing periods
- fixed growth calculation in chart tooltip
Release: 2025-01-14
- added search parameter to reading domains, funnels, conversion goals, organizations, organization domains, themes, and views
- improved subdomain hint when adding a website
- fixed lock dialog opening/closing funnels
Release: 2025-01-05
- fixed (unexploited) security issues with API
Release: 2025-01-02
- fixed number formatting in graph tooltip
- fixed error when adding new step to existing funnel
- fixed funnels including identical steps
- fixed last month period in January
Release: 2024-12-22
- fixed funnel step limit on dashboard
Release: 2024-12-22
- added individual funnel step limit
Release: 2024-12-16
- allow overriding the include_title option in the filter
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-12-11
- fixed subscription update webhook
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-12-02
- added theme option to hide the logo
- fixed chart tooltip on mobile
Release: 2024-11-27
- fixed tooltip text color in light mode
- fixed sorting cities with non-ASCII characters in name
Release: 2024-11-26
- added closing filters one ESC key
- added period setting to overview
- added custom tooltip including growth to charts
- added settings and upgrade buttons to page view limit warning email
- added number formatting to emails
- added customization for email reports (graph, summary, pages, referrer, events)
- added anonymous gclid and msclkid tracking
- added source attribution channels
- added option to disable search engine indexing for custom domains
- improved bot filtering
- fixed chart in daily email reports
- fixed missing countries on map
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-11-22
- fixed add funnel in dropdown when not an admin
- fixed add organization in dropdown when not on a Plus subscription
- fixed displaying access denied errors
Release: 2024-11-19
- improved Enterprise white-labeling
Release: 2024-11-15
- fixed country filter
- fixed translating validation errors
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-11-08
- improved captcha
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-11-08
- switched to locally hosted captcha solution
Release: 2024-11-06
- added ClickHouse replication
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-10-30
- added configuration to set the page view limit per session individually per client
- improved billing page
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-10-21
- fixed opening pages from panel
Release: 2024-10-18
- improved Italian translations
- improved subscription process
- fixed saving email log entries
- fixed clearing live updates when user isn't set yet on load
- fixed showing subscription warning on billing page
- fixed duplicate path entries (pages, entry pages, exit pages, event pages, active visitors)
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-10-08
- removed hostname fallback
- fixed including VPNs if they're also part of a data center IP range
- fixed email report charts
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-10-04
- added options to disable funnels and sessions page
- moved event pages to events panel
- fixed hostname in path, entry, and exit panel
- fixed number of events when filtering for a path or regex
Release: 2024-10-02
- switched from AWS S3 to Hetzner Object Storage
Release: 2024-10-01
- fixed hostname not being set for server-side tracking via API
Release: 2024-09-30
- fixed reading entry/exit pages for a lot of pages
- fixed regex filter for imported statistics and platforms
- fixed uppercase/lowercase hostname configuration
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-09-27
- added missing identification code hint on script snippet configuration
- added region, city, tags, and hostnames to CSV export
- fixed exporting page views to CSV with a lot of different paths
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-09-26
- fixed weekday label
- fixed reading non existing object from S3
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-09-26
- BREAKING: fixed configuring hostname alternative (the identfication code is now required for roll-up views!)
- added tracking hostnames by default
- added hostname panel and filtering
- added hostnames to page results (including entry, exit, and event pages)
- added visitors by weekday and hour panel
- added applying filter to first funnel step
- added pattern to filter selection
- added expiration date for access links
- added access links to email reports
- added sorting entry/exit page results by entry/exit rate
- added comparison mode for funnel
- added conversion rate graph for goals
- improved Plausible and Fathom imports
- fixed storing milliseconds
- fixed patterns starting with special filter characters
- fixed resetting active chart when removing path/pattern filter
- fixed nil pointer reading user pictures
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-09-05
- improved Arc detection
- improved error messages
- fixed Japanese error message translations
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-09-03
- added tooltips for growth and funnel data
- fixed period for overview
- fixed missing field in page view, event, and session parameter validation
Release: 2024-09-02
- added rate limiting for all endpoints that do not deal with data ingress, statistics, and aquiring an access token
- updated dependencies
Relesae: 2024-09-01
- added password check when updating email address
- fixed logo, buttons, copyright, dark mode, and language switch flashing when loading a dashboard with custom theme
- fixed trying to sign out user on public dashboard with access code
- improved logging
Release: 2024-08-28
- updated custom domain IP addresses
Release: 2024-08-27
- tracking optimizations
- data aggregation optimizations
- updated scripts to support identification in rollup views, although they are not used yet
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-08-23
- fixed missing endpoint scopes to list funnel
Release: 2024-08-22
- improved path filter documentation
Release: 2024-08-22
- fixed page view limit calculation for multiple domains
Release: 2024-08-21
- improvements to database schema
- ignore S3 errors when a user picture could not be found
- fixed missing translations for error message component
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-08-19
- added maximum import retries for GA API requests
Release: 2024-08-19
- added bounce rate for pages and referrers when filtering for an event
- added bounce rate graph when filtering for an event
- fixed a type error when reading views and bounces
- fixed property ID for GA4 imports
Release: 2024-08-17
- fixed min date for Google Analytics import
Release: 2024-08-16
- added Google Analytics 4 import
- improved imported statistics performance
- improved imported statistics accuracy
- improved theme setting error messages
- improved bot filter
- improved editing filter parameters
- close modal on mouse down instead of click
- close period selection on mouse down instead of click
- fixed filter dialog title
- fixed Plus header on funnel page
- fixed loading event meta data
- fixed relative visitor calculation for platform
- fixed deleting views for non-admin users
- fixed autocomplete for filter parameters
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-07-30
- updated core
Release: 2024-07-30
- added reason for bot traffic
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-07-10
- flipped funnel chart
- fixed updating multiple funnels on period change
Release: 2024-07-09
- fixed funnels path
- fixed loading funnels on domain switch
- fixed returning Pirsch Plus when creating a new dashboard
Release: 2024-07-09
- fixed funnels in app navigation
Release: 2024-07-09
- added funnels
- added dropdown to add dashboards, organizations, and funnels
- added language switch and query parameter
- added more icons to open domains
- improved referrer titles in panel and details view
- fixed missing database triggers
- fixed permissions to view specific parts of the UI on public and custom dashboards
- fixed removing filters when there is a filter of the same type
- fixed missing translations
- fixed filtering for unknown platform and screen resolution
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-07-01
- allow organization admins to change all dashboard settings
- fixed allowing organization admins to use Pirsch Plus features
- fixed Pirsch Plus hint
- fixed Pirsch Plus check for themes
- fixed permissions when moving dashboard to organization
- fixed copyright
Release: 2024-06-25
- do not show menu on public dashboards that are unavailable
- fixed overview showing up on public dashboard if signed in
- fixed Plus features not being available for organization admins
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-06-21
- fixed updating subscription plan during free trial
Release: 2024-06-17
- added page view tags to session view
- added more configuration options to create dashboard API
- added "not contains" filter option
- fixed missing translations
- fixed filter excluding countries
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-06-15
- fixed copyright on login
- improved translation
Release: 2024-06-15
- added filtering by country by clicking on map
- added past hour period and shortcut
- added i18n for dashboard and language configuration for accounts
- added context to error messages
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-06-12
- fixed accessing sessions on shared dashboards
Release: 2024-06-06
- fixed deleting organizations with open invitations
Release: 2024-06-06
- improved text overflow when grouping pages by title
- replaced neighbor function with window functions
- fixed hostname in canonical link
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-06-05
- added Shifu for website CMS
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-06-04
- fixed owner when creating dashboard belonging to organization
- fixed transfering ownership when changing the organization for a dashboard
- fixed listing organizations for members with viewer permission when adding a dashboard
Release: 2024-06-03
- added GoeDB and Udger proxy
- added graph y-axis maximum value to modal dialogs
- fixed graph y-axis maximum value when chaning filters
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-05-27
- fixed creating dashboard with non-ASCII characters in hostname
- improved bot filter
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-05-26
- fixed release
Release: 2024-05-24
- added filter country code validation
- fixed event names in snippet configuration
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-05-21
- added TXT verification for custom domains
- added check to ensure a custom domain is not in use
- added auto join feature to automatically add users on sign up to organizations
- added number of events to events panel on hover
- added IP address, hostname, country, and path traffic filters
- added more links to documentation on settings page
- added regions
- added hiding copyright and dark/light mode toggle to themes
- added country and live map
- fixed public access to webhook configuration
- fixed missing cache for alternative hostnames for events
- fixed missing locks for settings
- fixed theme settings
- fixed title color for chart tooltips
Release: 2024-05-15
- removed DNT
- moved Plus subscription box up
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-05-14
- improved Fathom and Plausible import UI
- fixed Plausible import CORS error
- fixed Plausible import email confirmation
- fixed comparison mode max value in graph
Release: 2024-05-13
- fixed grouping weeks/months/years if period is exactly specified as one week/month/year
Release: 2024-05-13
- added Plausible Analytics import
- improved Fathom Analytics import
- fixed grouping weeks/months/years if period is exactly specified as one week/month/year
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-04-29
- added max value to chart y axis
- removed HTTP caching from index for dashboard
Release: 2024-04-24
- fixed cookie expiry for the dashboard
- fixed signing out if the refresh token is expired
Release: 2024-04-23
- improved ClickHouse backups
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-04-22
- added combining path and event filter for conversion goals if not configured
- fixed comparing to previous period without matching weekday
- fixed resetting fields in conversion goal dialog
Release: 2024-04-19
- website CMS update
Release: 2024-04-17
- fixed keeping filter settings between dashboard and sessions page
Release: 2024-04-17
- fixed null filter
- fixed filtering for hour
Release: 2024-04-17
- fixed live view
- fixed query parameters not overwriting cached filter settings
- fixed updating query parameters twice
Release: 2024-04-16
- fixed component import
- fixed snippet configuration labels
- fixed snippet configuration endpoints being empty
- fixed calculating period for cached filters
Release: 2024-04-15
- improved logging bot traffic
- improved HTTP file caching
- always show organization and dashboard invitations (including custom domains)
- fixed reading overview statistics for imported data
- fixed default white favicon for referrers
- fixed updating website templates
- fixed and improved Fathom import with sub directories
- fixed missing event name in session view
- fixed traffic alert threshold
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-04-12
- fixed filter for session breakdown
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-04-11
- fixed traffic spike alert unique visitor count
- fixed blog article head title and meta description
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-04-11
- added option to delete events only
- added traffic spike notifications
- added traffic warning notifications
- added webhooks
- added graphs in background to overview
- added viewing individual sessions
- added "contains" filter for event meta values
- added graphs for minute-based statistics
- added data prefix to HTML attributes to ignore pirsch link clicks and for custom events + metadata
- only provide a single consolidated script instead of multiple variations
- improved setting descriptions
- improved email reports
- optimized loading dashboard data
- optimized loading domain on overview
- keep filter settings when changing pages
- fixed missing triggers for mod_time
- fixed sending conversion goal notifications to organization members
- fixed clearing comparision when switching domain on overview
- fixed comparison selection for views
- fixed removing time range keyboard shortcuts event handler on pages other than the dashboard/sessions
- fixed branding and theme colors in email reports
- fixed joining events when grouping by hours/minutes
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-03-22
- fixed dates in time range filter
- fixed referrer panel duplicating entries
Release: 2024-02-22
- added pirschInit function to allow asynchronous initalization of the snippet
- fixed tag keys for events
Release: 2024-02-20
- added a fixed limit to the number of filter options that are returned
- improved browser and OS parsing
- fixed resetting page view counter when re-activating subscriptions
- fixed mime types for service worker js and favicon.ico
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-02-16
- pre-select active entry in time range and comparison filter
- fixed time on page in CSV exports
- fixed styling for tabs inside dialogues
- fixed single date selection after dashboard refresh
Release: 2024-02-15
- fixed reading client plus subscription status
- fixed reading event breakdown
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-02-14
- added comparison mode for total numbers and graphs
- added comparison settings to views
- added an event metadata limit of 20 key-value pairs
- added an event metadata key length limit of 100
- added an event metadata value length limit of 2000
- added tags for segmentation (max. 20, 50 character keys and 50 character values)
- added sorting conversion goals alphabetically for equal numbers
- added icon for the Whale browser
- added domain ID to client settings to make it easier to copy
- added display name for dashboards
- added automatic deletion of outdated Postgres backups
- added path suffix, title prefix, title suffix
- added hint if a dashboard does not belong to an account with an active subscription
- added Fathom Analytics import
- removed
from scripts - fixed date from string parameter
- fixed error handling showing generic "An error occurred" for field validation errors
- fixed endless loop on token refresh
- fixed time range selection using view
- fixed updating theme list when the organization is updated
- fixed removing theme when the organization is changed
- updated dependencies
Release: 2024-01-16
- added Discourse integration
Release: 2024-01-08
- improved User-Agent filter
- fixed relative bounce rate calculation in email reports
Release: 2024-01-01
- use
to change path ifdata-domain
is not present - fixed last month period in January
- fixed resetting session between primary and additional domains
Release: 2023-12-30
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-12-11
- fixed deleting accounts with organization invitations
Release: 2023-12-09
- sorted Google Search Console and Google Analytics domain selection lists
- fixed dashboard redirects for other languages
- fixed clearing filter when the selected period contains imported statistics
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-12-01
- fixed time on page when using filters
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-11-27
- fixed very rare nil pointer
- improved search field styling
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-11-21
- fixed client creation
Release: 2023-11-19
- added new client scope for billing endpoints
- added search to domain and organization overview
- added missing access check to set favorite dashboard
- added pinning dashboards to the overview and list
- added setting favorite to overview
- added cleaning up views when an organization member is removed and loses access to a dashboard
- added new parameter to rewrite the URL path in the scripts
- added showing banner when last payment failed
- added detection for Arc
- added Arc and Samsung Internet browser icons
- fixed rewrite for Pirsch Plus custom domain script endpoints
- fixed domain created banner
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-11-16
- fixed exit rate calculation
Release: 2023-11-13
- improved error logging
Release: 2023-11-12
- added reading usage to API (statistics scope)
- fixed missing deleted page views for total usage metric
Release: 2023-11-11
- fixed null pointer when sorting conversion goals
- improved error logging
Release: 2023-11-09
- added icons for Android WebView, Brave, and Chrome OS
- improved error logging
- fixed loading organizations when accepting an invitation
- fixed permissions on organization page
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-11-04
- improved logging
- fixed reading event pages with title and sampling
- fixed errors occurring when casting negative numbers to uint64
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-10-28
- increased dashboard request timeout to 30 seconds
- added server-side request and query cancellation
- added sampling
- fixed axios endless loop if request times out
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-10-25
- fixed average time on page calculation in certain scenarios
- fixed events resetting the time the session was last seen
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-10-21
- fixed average session duration calculation with path filter
- fixed session duration label when filtering for a conversion goal
Release: 2023-10-19
- added number of events to event statistics
- fixed charts not being shown as clickable for today
- fixed reading event pages when filtering for a path and event
- fixed canonical link
Release: 2023-10-16
- fixed saving link target for email reports
- fixed charts not being shown as clickable for today
Release: 2023-10-11
- optimized queries
Release: 2023-10-10
- fixed logging out on token refresh if the status code is different from 401
Release: 2023-10-09
- fixed offset and limit for conversion goals
Release: 2023-10-09
- added option to email reports to link to private or public dashboard or custom domain
- added relative visitor/page view count and exit/entry rate for imported statistics
- optimized loading conversion goals
- fixed sorting conversion goals by name and path pattern
- fixed limiting conversion goals
- fixed dark mode for favicons on public dashboards
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-10-05
- fixed timezone for session duration and time on page
Release: 2023-10-04
- improved identification code not found error message
- create page view when event is fired on a page that's different from the last page visited
- update page views for session when event is fired on a page that's different from the last page visited
- fixed missing page view when event creates a session
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-09-30
- fixed grouping and sorting imported referrers with data from Pirsch
Release: 2023-09-29
- fixed missing relative visitor calculation for imported referrers
- updated Pirsch core
Release: 2023-09-29
- improved merging imported statistics with data from Pirsch
- updated website privacy policy
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-09-22
- fixed time shift in daily visitor statistics
- fixed local time to UTC conversion for dates
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-09-21
- cancel account deletion on login
- switched to three months before deleting inactive accounts
- switch to two years before marking inactive accounts for deletion
- optimized loading imported statistics
- fixed title in tables for first column
- fixed refreshing graphs, growth, and total visitors on refresh button click
- fixed UTM content panel showing UTM terms
- fixed batch configuration
- fixed enter selecting period from list while editing custom dates
- fixed setting start date in import
- fixed panels with imported statistics
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-09-17
- added support for client hints
- added Chrome OS and Windows 11 detection
- added direct/none/unknown to panels (previously only visible in tables)
- added conversion rate to total, by period, and growth
- added custom metrics for events
- added refresh button to dashboard
- upgraded to Go version 1.21
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-09-09
- fixed ref query parameter to set referrer
- fixed resetting sessions when referrer name changes
Release: 2023-09-07
- updated and improved referrer mapping
- keep import running on Google Analytics API error
Release: 2023-08-25
- added missing database indices
Release: 2023-08-24
- disabled request cancellation for querying domains
- fixed checking response errors if response is undefined
Release: 2023-08-23
- fixed deleting data taking a long time
- removed link to Pirsch on logo when
is set
Release: 2023-08-10
- improved error logging
- fixed light/dark mode query parameter being removed when changing the filter
- fixed imported statistics with overlapping data from Pirsch
- fixed gaps in imported statistics on the dashboard
Release: 2023-08-06
- improved conversion goal dialog
- added options to hide the login button and footer on custom domains
- added option to set light/dark mode for custom domains and public dashboards
- added link to themes from settings page
- added number of websites and themes to organization panels
- added color switch to public dashboards
Release: 2023-08-02
- fixed staying logged in
- fixed OS/browser panels showing more than ten results
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-07-29
- fixed average session duration
Release: 2023-07-27
- added raw values on hover to numbers
- improved graphs jumping when data or color changes
- improved GA import
- fixed sitemap
- fixed cycling through past 7, 14, 30, quarter, half year, and year filters
- fixed footer font size on dashboard
- fixed access links for custom domains
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-07-20
- fixed concurrency issue with import jobs
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-07-15
- improved loading statistics on the dashboard
- improved filter value selection (now using enter and on blur)
- fixed panels changing with tables in details view
- fixed sorting tables
- fixed clearing conversion goal filter
- fixed duplicate entries in referrer panel
Release: 2023-07-14
- added custom color picker
- added scripts on custom domains
- fixed downgrading from Pirsch Plus to Standard
- fixed automated backups
Release: 2023-07-12
- fixed loading event metadata values if it's more than 10
- fixed grouping events by metadata
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-07-11
- show contact button instead of manage subscription for custom pricing on billing page
- fixed applying free-trial to subscriptions that didn't add a website during free-trial
- fixed downgrading subscriptions
- fixed loading events and conversion goals
- fixed loading time spent on page for pages and entry pages
Release: 2023-07-10
- pre-select active website in website selection
- keep table order and query when changing filter
- fixed sorting events by CR
- fixed searching and sorting browsers and operating system
Release: 2023-07-08
- don't switch to the active website
- fixed copying second IPv6 address
- fixed website search in selection
- fixed loading statistics on overview
- fixed list styling in news
- fixed loading theme logo on custom domain
Release: 2023-07-08
- added domain overview with some basic statistics
- added keyboard controls to domain and time range filter selection
- added check to prevent filter fields from being added twice with the same value
- added log out from all devices on password change or reset
- added label on hover to table and list entries
- added themes and theme settings to white label dashboards and emails
- added organizations for team, website, and theme management
- added custom domains
- added a limit of 50 websites
- added current subscription plan to user menu
- added full-width dashboard
- changed design for top menu and navigation
- moved login, password reset, and changing the email to dashboard
- start free trial when first website is added
- only allow domain transfer to users with an active subscription
- create account for invited users
- fixed closing view selection on enter
- fixed clearing referrer cache
- fixed offset and limit for conversion goals
- fixed a small permission issue when deleting domain invitations
- fixed API returning 401 if domain is not found
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-07-04
- fixed reading usage for users with many websites
Release: 2023-06-29
- improved bot filtering
Release: 2023-06-28
- improved page title collection in settings
- do not increase page view count on bounce
- do not store page view if the session bounced before
- fixed calculating average session duration and time on page
- updated User-Agent blacklist
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-06-16
- use batch for import jobs
- fixed setting start date for imported statistics
Release: 2023-06-14
- fixed CSS selector for events in extended script
Release: 2023-06-06
- added more payment methods
- added Euro pricing
- added ID parameter to read specific domain from
Release: 2023-05-31
- ignore pirsch.js and pirsch-events.js when extended script is present
Release: 2023-05-29
- resume Google Analytics imports
Release: 2023-05-27
- upgraded Pirsch core
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-05-24
- added generic metadata field to domains (API only for now)
- allow cancellation of running import jobs
- fixed Google Analytics import sending multiple emails on error
Release: 2023-05-18
- improved domain cache
- fixed sending data to other dashboards
Release: 2023-05-16
- decreased number of parallel email report processors
- fixed missing plans on backend
- fixed null pointer when sending email reports
Release: 2023-05-15
- query improvements
Release: 2023-05-11
- fixed calculations for some of the imported statistics
- fixed displaying imported referrers
Release: 2023-05-09
- changed label for limits on billing page
- added missing labels for larger plans
- increased wait time between Google Analytics report requests
- fixed importing long dimensions
- fixed returning null for imported statistics
Release: 2023-05-08
- switched to storing aggregated statistics from Google Analytics
- removed filter options for imported statistics, as they were misleading
Release: 2023-05-05
- fixed missing event placeholder function in extended script
- fixed www in referrer
Release: 2023-05-03
- use unique visitors instead of sessions for Google Analytics import
Release: 2023-05-02
- fixed some Google Analytics statistics
Release: 2023-05-02
- increased timeout for HTTP requests to Google Analytics
- fixed closing delete domain modal dialog
- fixed Google Analytics paths import
Release: 2023-04-28
- added settings to change the hostname for a domain
- fixed page view count when session is created on an event
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-04-27
- fixed extended script not tracking full outbound link URL
Release: 2023-04-20
- referrers that are an alternative domain will no longer start new sessions
- fixed distributed locks for sessions
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-04-14
- improved error handling in
- added
to ignore programmatic URL changes - fixed entries/exits when filtering for a path pattern
Release: 2023-04-13
- fixed sending page views on programmatic navigation using JavaScript
Release: 2023-04-07
- added new utility script
- fixed loading script configuration
- fixed clearing HTTP request cancellation
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-03-23
- URLs from the referrer header and query parameters (ref, utm_source, ...) are now parsed
- daily email reports now compare the past day with the day before yesterday
- added year to graph tooltips if necessary
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-03-15
- fixed updating email report date to Monday
- fixed branding in email templates
Release: 2023-03-14
- fixed light mode
- fixed changing period when switching to tab while holding down a key
- fixed loading statistics after deleting a domain
Release: 2023-02-27
- added automatic account deletion of accounts that haven't been used in the past 12 months
- fixed counting imported statistics towards usage limit
- fixed resetting passwords for inactive accounts
- fixed saving views with event metadata
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-02-23
- added region for US cities
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-02-16
- migrated from Hugo to VitePress
- renamed "Access Token" to "Access Key" to prevent any confusions
- fixed and modernized gzip compression
- fixed loading when searching or sorting in panels
Release: 2023-02-09
- added event metadata filter
- fixed resetting filter value after closing dropdown when it is empty
Release: 2023-02-08
- added titles for all icons without a label
- added note to dashboard customization settings about security
- added affiliate links to public dashboard
- fixed reloading entry/exit/event pages when switching domain
- fixed switching domain after accepting invitation
- fixed live filter when free trial is about to expire
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-02-01
- updated DPA
- fixed broken events settings link
Release: 2023-01-30
- fixed write access for user clients
- fixed redirect to login
Release: 2023-01-27
- added affiliate program
- improved GSC error email
- fixed account deletion
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-01-22
- allow digits at the beginning of a subdomain
- removed screen width and height from the database (only store screen class)
- updated dependencies
Release: 2023-01-15
- improved performance of GA import
- fixed imported statistics from GA
Release: 2023-01-14
- fixed GSC and GA redirects
- fixed page views spikes from GA import
- fixed all time filter not including imported statistics
- fixed moving time range using arrows or arrow keys for imported statistics
Release: 2023-01-12
- fixed loading locks
- fixed downgrading plan before subscription cycle ends
Release: 2023-01-05
- added locks to prevent accidentially modifing settings
- added request cancellation to improve performance
- added pre-filling subdomain field when adding a domain
- added missing plus button to invite members
- added batch inserts for page views, events, and session extensions
- added time zone parameter
- added dashboard panel customization
- the dashboard now uses the time zone of the viewers browser if set
- improved authentication
- improved the structure of the settings pages
- fixed time range filter step calculation
Release: 2022-12-18
- added a rewrite option using the
attribute - added maximum fingerprint lifetime note to website
Release: 2022-12-16
- revert: disable filtering on click in lists and tables if there is only one entry
Release: 2022-12-16
- update all time date range when switching domains
- fixed adding filters
- fixed invoice charge failed emails for new subscriptions if the first charge fails
- updated Pirsch core
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-12-13
- disable filtering on click in lists and tables if there is only one entry
- merged path_pattern and pattern query parameters
- fixed endless loading for pattern filter
- fixed a few styling issues
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-12-03
- fixed page view limit calculation when subscription was created before the end of the free trial
Release: 2022-12-01
- added sessions snippet to settings page
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-11-30
- added data processing agreement
- fixed copying snippets
- fixed duplicate errors on login and sign up
Release: 2022-11-28
- fixed searching by path
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-11-27
- added pirsch-sessions.js script to automatically extend sessions
- added bot filter based on IP address
- added event pages as new statistic
- added support email to resources in menu
- added a setting to disable the JavaScript snippets
- moved UTM content and terms panel into referrer panel
- filtering for an event will now include all pages a visitor has visited
- fixed inverting event filter
- fixed extending sessions
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-10-31
- return the actual parse error on HTTP 400 bad request
Release: 2022-10-22
- fixed page title for page views
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-10-16
- made GA import more reliable for long periods
- fixed page view calculation for GA import
- fixed sorting table entries on frontend
- fixed resending registration email changing the language
- fixed scrolling in domain selection
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-10-11
- added error message when GA import fails
Release: 2022-10-07
- added prefilling the email address when switching from login to forgot password page
- added resending registration email
- added captcha for registration
Release: 2022-10-06
- added options to disable the collection of query parameters, referrers, and resolution in scripts
- improved bot filter
- updated Pirsch library
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-10-01
- connect negated parameters using logical AND instead of OR
- fixed sending daily reports and removed time from report date
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-09-22
- added daily email reports
- fixed title showing "undefined" when loading the dashboard
- fixed platform statistics returning sessions instead of unique visitors
- fixed entry/exit pages title showing "Unique visitors" instead of "Entries"/"Exits"
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-09-14
- use active visitor time configuration for all statistics
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-09-11
- reverted entry/exit panels showing visitors instead of the number of entries/exits
Release: 2022-09-08
- clicking on a month will now change to day scale instead of displaying weeks
- events are now send asynchronously, so it's no longer required to wait for the request to go through before switching the page
- improved profile picture on settings page
- improved filtering bots
- fixed loading 9 instead of 10 entries
- fixed duplicate entries in referrer panel when quickly changing between periods
- fixed country filter displaying an "empty" entry
- fixed scale when clicking on a month
- fixed
attribute for scripts - fixed sorting entry/exit pages by visitors instead of entries/exits
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-09-05
- fixed public dashboards
- fixed displaying active visitors in tab when opening dashboard for the first time
Release: 2022-09-04
- added active visitor time configuration
- added account option to display active visitors in tab
- added snippet configurator
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-08-28
- fixed filter overwriting access code
- fixed switching between views that contain an event in the filter
Release: 2022-08-26
- added visitors, sessions, entry/exit rate, and average time on page to entry/exit page statistics when filtering for an event
- fixed entry/exit pages showing 0 visitors when filtering for an event
- fixed statistics not loading when switching to dashboard after reloading/opening the dashboards on one of the settings pages
- fixed displaying month scale on graph
- fixed batch database connection issues
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-08-20
- fixed views on public dashboards
- fixed language selection
Release: 2022-08-19
- removed last hr tag from the news
- fixed some typos in the news
- fixed public dashboards
- fixed loading event metadata
Release: 2022-08-19
- added multi-filter support
- filter on the same field connected by logical OR
- added "contains" option in addition to "is" and "is not"
- added listing filter options
- added filtering options by clicking inside a filter
- added the option to save filters as "views"
- added setting a dashboard as favorite that will be loaded after login
- added PWA support for the dashboard
- added a checkbox to stay logged in
- added import from Google Universal Analytics
- changed redirect to login page after the session times out
- overall improvements to the dashboard and changed positions of some elements
- fixed entry/exit rate calculation
- fixed some minor concurrency issues
- fixed month to date and last month date range filters
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-07-09
- debounced keyboard shortcuts and inverting filters
- don't log regex errors when filtering for a pattern
- fixed table only showing top results when changing period using a keyboard shortcut
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-07-05
- changed weekly timescale to start on Monday
- fixed reading IP for JS snippet endpoints
- fixed description for single access token client deletion
- fixed visitor statistics having the right date set depending on the timescale
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-07-01
- added whitelist to JavaScript snippet (
) - added icons for browser and operating system
- removed
, andx_real_ip
parameters from API - fixed grouping cities and countries when city is unknown
- fixed duplicate keys for referrers when there are two entries with the same referrer but different protocols (http vs https)
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-06-26
- increased maximum subdomain length to 100 characters
Release: 2022-06-24
- improved rounding of percentages on the dashboard
- added a
parameter to set the light (mode=light
) or dark (mode=dark
) on the dashboard - added IP spoofing prevention
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-06-22
- fixed time zone related issues on dashboard
Release: 2022-06-20
- fixed passing dates without time zone
- fixed using scale URL parameter on dashboard
- fixed meta description on home page
Release: 2022-06-19
- translated website to German
- fixed dashboard button still being displayed on website after redirect to login
- fixed event metadata table not updating when changing filter or key does not exist
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-06-15
- fixed setting hostname for page views send using the API using an access token
- fixed panels showing statistics for previous website when adding new website
- fixed referrer for the domain when it was not set in all lower-case
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-06-13
- removed tooltip from UTM content and term panels
- fixed light theme browser color
- fixed create client modal dialog fields depending on the type selected
- fixed displaying "Unknown" in countries panel
- fixed table styling
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-06-08
- moved database backups to Hetzner
Release: 2022-06-04
- fixed event and conversion goal buttons being displayed when logged in and viewing public dashboard
- fixed statistics when using a different period other than "day"
- fixed mapping dates back to period
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-05-26
- added a parameter to specify the time (in seconds) active visitors are returned to
- fixed color in email report
Release: 2022-05-18
- fixed accepting traffic if the hostname exists more than once
- fixed initial labels on mobile
- fixed opening charts on mobile require two clicks
- fixed an error that occurred when filtering for events while another chart other than the visitors/views chart was open
Release: 2022-05-17
- fixed sorting active visitors
- fixed filter limit for free-trials
- fixed accepting traffic for additional domains that also exist on their own
- fixed styling for code blocks on blog
Release: 2022-05-16
- fixed showing conversion goal dialog to members without admin permissions
- fixed inconsistent relative values in panels on desktop and mobile
- fixed updating keywords when period is changed
- fixed selecting period after clicking in graph
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-05-15
- added conversion goals and events modal dialog to panels
- added multi-domain support to combine statistics from different websites into a single dashboard or sending statistics to multiple dashboards from a single website
- added 25% separators in panel lines
- added keyboard shortcuts to filter periods
- added scope to keep sessions alive (scope_session)
- added access tokens as an alternative to oAuth clients
- always show conversion goals and events panels
- allow multiple email reports for the same email address at different intervals
- made the chart labels responsive
- the chart can now be hidden and saves which one was opened last
- detailed lists now use the backend to search and sort results and use pagination to show as many results as required
- fixed adding another website when clicking on add website in menu again
- fixed conversion goal table label
- fixed endless loading of charts after joining a dashboard
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-04-25
- period selection will now be set when using arrows to change period
- fixed time ranges showing one more day than expected
Release: 2022-04-21
- added tooltips to unexplained numbers
- added hint that it can't take a few seconds before any data is displayed after adding a website
- scale now shows "Hour" when filtering for a single day
- numbers previously rounded to "0%" are now displayed as "< 0.1%"
- changed to bar graph as default
- lots of smaller improvements to texts and design
- fixed filtering entry/exit pages by conversion goal
- fixed filtering by period when clicking on the graph instead of the first day of the week/month/year
- fixed sticky filter on mobile in combination with the scale selection
- fixed alignment of conversion goal patterns
Release: 2022-04-14
- fixed and improved CSV export filename
- fixed entry/exit queries when filtering for a path and grouping by page titles
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-04-08
- updated Pirsch core
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-04-05
- fixed calculating growth for today
Release: 2022-04-03
- fixed excluding pages in JS snippet
- updated dependencies (including Pirsch SDK)
Release: 2022-04-02
- hide scale selection when viewing a single day
- fixed live view
Release: 2022-04-02
- added hostname to domain deletion dialog for easy copy and paste
- added date filter by clicking a day in the graph
- added filtering pages (
) by configuring a list of regular expressions in the JS snippet - added grouping results by week, month, and year
- optimized JS snippets
- improved email report text
- improved conversion goal dialog to make it clearer when regex or pattern is used
- improved bot filtering using simple heuristic
- calculating the growth for today will now take the time into account, and not compare it to the full past day
- sample for conversion goals regex is now saved and loaded on edit
- removed FLoC header (no longer needed)
- fixed live filter after page reload
- fixed subscription warning when free trial has run out but subscription has been activated
- fixed usage on billing page when free trial is still active
- fixed updating usage when deleting data
- fixed number formatting in email reports
- fixed email report interval
- fixed moving day filter with arrows
- fixed grouping referrers with path in URL
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-02-18
- fixed checking access for client SDKs
Release: 2022-02-15
- fixed resetting filter after selecting dates
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-02-14
- handle bad GSC integrations
- don't unlink GSC on the first error, keep trying for up to three days
- fixed counting bounces multiple times when grouping by pages
Release: 2022-02-13
- updated Pirsch library
Release: 2022-02-11
- added month to date and last month time range filter
- added support for custom conversion goal patterns using regular expressions (regex)
- added GSC validation and automatic removal and email on error
- added arrows to move the time interval
- added country flag to city panel
- merged system and device panels
- changed size of main graph
- improved backup folder structure
- fixed screens not displaying "no data found" when no data is present
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-01-29
- added automatic incremential backups
- always display cities panel
- fixed charts on mobile when filtering for a single day
Release: 2022-01-19
- added sessions, views, bounces, and bounce rate to hourly visitor statistics
- updated Hugo version for docs
- retry generating docs after an error
- fixed average session duration calculation
- updated dependencies
Release: 2022-01-09
- fixed subscription checkout
Release: 2022-01-06
- fixed session collapsing and caching
Release: 2022-01-05
- fixed chart color
Release: 2021-12-31
- fixed opening language details
- fixed displaying "unknown" in lists
- updated pricing
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-12-23
- set theme-color depending on light or dark mode settings
- website and blog optimizations
- fixed round corners for modal dialogues on Safari
- fixed cleaning up non-confirmed accounts
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-12-21
- integrated blog into website
- fixed updating a client returning the client secret again
- fixed detecting Windows 11
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-12-15
- removed
from API (not required) - fixed session collapsing issues
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-12-13
- fixed grouping referrers with trailing slashes
Release: 2021-12-12
- fixed smaller configuration issues
- fixed entry/exit page panels not being displayed when filtering for an event
Release: 2021-12-12
- added entry/exit path filter to events
- added filters for screen width and height (exact match)
- added filtering for event metadata (API only right now)
- added new API endpoint to list events including metadata
- added user client API to perform actions that previously could only be performed by a user
- popular referrers are now grouped (like and -> Google)
- OS versions will now be grouped by minor version instead of the full version string (10.12 instead of 10.12.3 for example)
- sessions are now reset when the referrer or UTM parameters change
- sessions will no longer count as bounced when an event is received
- set filter limit to the release of Pirsch instead of one year back
- optimized checking permissions on hit/event/session requests
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-11-26
- hide growth in live filter
- fixed switching country/city/language tabs when adding or removing filters
- fixed charts being updated multiple times
- fixed GSC keywords loading infinitely
Release: 2021-11-25
- new graph for top statistics
- fixed events label for event metadata table
Release: 2021-11-18
- added missing defer for event script snippet
- added option to ignore
using the localStorage
Release: 2021-11-14
- merged panels where it makes sense and only load data when opened
- load all news instead of the latest three
- always show CR for conversion goals and events
- improved title (on hover) wherever possible
- removed title (on hover) for values (redundant)
- removed obvious hints from panels
- fixed login, logout, and sign up buttons not working on public dashboards
- updated dependencies and replaced JWT library
Release: 2021-11-09
- fixed X-Frame-Options header for dashboard
Release: 2021-11-09
- removed visitors by hour when live filter is active
- fixed light/dark mode settings on account page
- fixed styling for filter and domain selection
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-11-07
- added domain search to selection
- added auto selection for light/dark mode
- added automatic time zone selection when creating a domain
- added link to public dashboard on settings pages
- added query parameter to hide UI elements when embedding a dashboard into an iframe
- added live view
- optimized CORS by setting max age header
- news are now served from the API and will be set to latest news on registration (so none is displayed on first login)
- deny embedding the registration, login, or any other related page in iframes (X-Frame-Options)
- removed user time zone settings
- fixed some statistics loading twice on a single filter change
- fixed panels showing different totals than chart due to grouping by day and summing up results
- updated Hugo
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-11-01
- fixed small Pirsch (library) configuration issue
Release: 2021-10-27
- added timeout for GSC requests
- fixed collecting page title if enabled
- fixed email report scale
- fixed sending email report without previous data
- fixed email report chart time range
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-10-23
- fixed setting start date in frontend
- fixed session collapsing
Release: 2021-10-22
- renamed views to events in event details panel
- removed focus of table search on mobile devices
- removed the requirement to send a page view before an event can be tracked
- fixed line chart labels
- fixed setting time zone for dates in frontend
- fixed active pages keeps loading after switching to dashboard from another page
Release: 2021-10-22
- fixed statistics that were wrong due to last larger update (v1.10)
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-10-18
- fixed reading active visitors directly from hit table
- fixed reading full referrer (for favicon URL)
Release: 2021-10-18
- fixed visitor statistics limit
Release: 2021-10-18
- added hostname to fingerprint salt
- performance improvements for all queries
- improved panel labels when filtering for an event
- removed bounce rate for events
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-10-11
- added endpoint to manually extend sessions
- fixed events counting up page views
Release: 2021-10-10
- fixed updating referrer panel when the referrer name and URL are equal
- fixed time zones
- fixed setting filter date when the end date is today
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-10-07
- added autofocus for search fields in modal dialogues
- fixed filtering for null when pressing Ctrl + A in modal dialog search field
- fixed too many calls of history.replaceState
- fixed average session duration being distorted by broken session lengths
Release: 2021-10-05
- fixed time zone settings
Release: 2021-09-29
- fixed path filter for entry/exit pages
- fixed entry/exit rate calculation
- fixed total bounce rate calculation
- fixed signup confirmation email sender
Release: 2021-09-28
- use Redis as a session cache
- added filtering entry/exit pages for paths back in
Release: 2021-09-27
- fixed filtering for entry/exit pages while filtering for a page
Release: 2021-09-25
- fixed referrer modal dialog
Release: 2021-09-25
Changes to the Dashboard
- referrers are now grouped by hostname (if possible)
- filtering for a referrer will reveal the full list of links visitors came from
- statistics can now be filtered by the entry and exit page, in addition to the regular page filter
- the entry and exit page panels now include the entry and exit rates
- filtering for a country now displays a city panel
- statistics can now be filtered by "unknown" and are displayed as "null" in the filter list (e.g. "Referrer is null")
- tabs in panels are no longer reset to the first tab if you change the filter
Technical Changes to the Core
- added rolling forward page view information for deeper analysis of sessions
- added filtering for entry and exit page
- added filtering for "none"/"unknown" (empty strings) by setting a filter to "null"
- added all statistics available for hits to events as well
- added optional limit for active visitor statistics
- added merging referrers by hostname and detailed statistics by filtering for the referrer name
- added city statistics
- added method to clear session cache to tracker
- optimized data layout
- optimized statistics queries
- optimized filter (non required fields are now longer selected)
- the User-Agent header is now stored in a separate table for later analysis (filtering bots)
- removed unused UserAgent and full URL from hit and event table
- remove trailing slashes from referrer URLs
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-09-16
- updated website and dashboard UI
Release: 2021-09-14
- show individual usage limits on billing page
- updated Pirsch library
Release: 2021-09-10
- added gzip compression to pirsch.js, pirsch-event.js, and pictures
- added filter inversion
- added individual pages for each settings tab
- added dashboard button (the logo will be used differently in the future)
- fixed filtering by unknown/none in detailed view
- updated Pirsch library
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-09-07
- updated Pirsch library
Release: 2021-09-07
- changed session time from 15 to 30 minutes
- updated website
Release: 2021-09-04
- added defer to JavaScript snippets
- added different number formatting for axis and values to charts
- platforms (desktop, mobile, unknown) with no visitors are now hidden
- added more screen classes
- updated Pirsch library
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-09-02
- fixed pirsch-events.js parameter encoding
Release: 2021-08-31
- fixed UTM parameters when using pirsch.js and encode URL parameters
Release: 2021-08-30
- added response to JWT middleware
Release: 2021-08-28
- numbers are now shortened when greater than 1000 (displayed as 1.2k and 1.23m)
- added titles to all numbers to display their raw value (31% = 0.3195..., 1.2k = 1234, and so on)
- added active domain to URL so that it sets the correct domain when sharing a link to a private dashboard
- added descriptive time interval values to the URL (like "today", "7d", ... instead of the index)
- added text filter to modal dialogues
- added dynamic page view limit to overwrite default plans
- added country flags
- added grouping page results by title instead of path (for dynamic pages, like
) - fixed displaying hours in durations
- fixed deleting conversion goals when deleting domain
- fixed deleting conversion goals when deleting account
- fixed updating domain on settings page
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-08-17
- added JavaScript event function mock for easier debugging
Release: 2021-08-13
- added more testimonials to website
- fixed default time range interval for public dashboards (back to one week)
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-08-10
- added "yesterday" option to time range filter
- added news modal dialog
- small improvements to the website, settings, and more
- updated dependencies
- fixed reading email report domains
Release: 2021-07-31
- enabled tax ID collection on checkout
Release: 2021-07-29
- updated landing page
- fixed double minus sign in reports
- fixed loading metadata if no keys are present
Release: 2021-07-25
- added registration event to website
Release: 2021-07-24
- updated pirsch.js ("modernized")
- updated pirsch-events.js to return a promise
Release: 2021-07-24
- fixed event scope being used to send hits
- fixed missing event scope when creating JWTs
Release: 2021-07-23
- added missing event average duration to panel and metadata
Release: 2021-07-23
- fixed event metadata value label in table
Release: 2021-07-23
- added custom event tracking
- added custom events to CSV export (not including metadata yet)
- added white background to favicon
- simplified email report content
- updated dependencies
- fixed filter showing regex instead of pattern for conversion goals
- fixed redirect to login if token runs out or is invalid
- fixed displaying 0% in lists on the dashboard
- fixed charts in panels on Safari
Release: 2021-07-06
- fixed link in social proof section (full width)
- added referrer to outgoing links in social proof section
Release: 2021-07-06
- added social proof section to landing page
Release: 2021-07-02
- visitors are now tracked across days (GDPR compliant)
- time on page is now limited to one hour so that idle visitors have less impact on the average time on page
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-07-01
- increased access token leeway to reduce errors when requests are made to a different node from the one the JWT was scheduled on
Release: 2021-06-24
- fixed sending conversion goal reached emails
- fixed link to dashboard on website
Release: 2021-06-19
- improved create goals modal dialog
- fixed path patterns for conversion goals
Release: 2021-06-17
- added conversion goals for pages (using a pattern)
- added conversion goals to CSV export
- swapped views and visitors in page details modal dialog
- updated Pirsch library
- updated dependencies
- fixed updating keywords panel
- fixed calculating relative visitors and views
- fixed database transaction leaks
Release: 2021-06-12
- fixed limiting access when calculating number of hits (now includes deleted domains)
Release: 2021-06-10
- remove member from domain on ownership transfer to that particular user
- show usage for domains that have been deleted on billing page
Release: 2021-06-06
- optimized loading pages and referrer (invisible panels are first loaded when needed)
- added browser and operating system versions (enlarge the panel)
Release: 2021-06-03
- added entry and exit pages
- optimized loading statistics (invisible panels are first loaded when needed)
- fixed report colors
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-05-30
- added hard limit for the number of domains a user can have (to 1000 by default, as spam protection)
- fixed filter not showing today if set to today from URL parameter
Release: 2021-05-25
- added blog link to resources on dashboard
- fixed preselected time zone when adding domain and on account page
Release: 2021-05-25
- added client scopes to API
- added support for time zones (user settings and on a domain basis)
- added API access read domains for clients
- removed visitor by time of day sum as that was confusing and didn't make much sense (the sum is correct, but has a different meaning than the unique visitor sum above)
- fixed loading indicator position on some pages
- fixed bounce rate in email reports and colors
Release: 2021-05-19
- added views to email reports
- fixed percentage formatting in reports and colors
Release: 2021-05-14
- token expiration is now set to UTC
- fixed access token validation if a token was created on another server
Release: 2021-05-14
- fixed screen panel displayed if no statistics available
- fixed countries showing 9 instead of 10 results due to "empty" country code containing null bytes
- fixed integration for
Release: 2021-05-13
- added UTM parameters to track ad campaigns and customized URLs
- added number formatting to email reports
- added stackable filters to better analyze data
- removed visitors by time of day for the past week
- switched to ClickHouse to generate statistics, this should improve the performance and scalability
- detailed graphs are now shown in modal dialogues
- improved loading indicators on panels
- fixed graph rendering on some email clients for email reports
- fixed styling on Safari desktop and mobile
Release: 2021-04-23
- added missing DNT (do not track) header to API and JS integrations
- require billing address collection on checkout
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-04-16
- opt out of Google FLoC
- added loading states when switching filter or domain on settings page
- fixed deleting accounts
- fixed active visitors modal z-index (it was above header)
- fixed flickering on modal dialoges while loading more data
Release: 2021-04-15
- improved email templates
- keep charts open on page reload
- send email for upcoming invoices
- added missing number formatting on billing page
- added loading states (spinner) to pages, lists, and tables
- fixed deleting domains with email reports
- fixed showing subscription banner to members (only the owner of the current domain is supposed to see warnings)
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-04-09
See below.
Release: 2021-04-09
- added white fallback favicon for referrers for dark mode
- added blacklist for disposable email domains
- added copy button after domain creation
- improved email texts
- fixed account settings not showing default filter time range
- fixed live demo showing the past two days instead of the past week
Release: 2021-04-04
- better labels for Search Console domains (no "sc-domain:" at the beginning)
- added tabs to the settings page
- added data deletion for selected statistics, all statistics, and a time range
- added transfer of ownership for domains
- improved sign up process and page
- fixed cleaning up statistics if a domain gets deleted
Release: 2021-03-31
- improved keywords panel
- fixed panels hiding "unknown" not showing ten results
Release: 2021-03-30
- fixed setting default filter time range on registration
Release: 2021-03-30
- fixed sign up (wrong sender for emails)
- fixed connecting to Google account
Release: 2021-03-29
- fixed Google redirect URI
- fixed logo on live demo
Release: 2021-03-28
- added setting to define a default time range for the filter
- added Google Search Console integration to show keywords
- added sortable tables
- added more content on website and better design
- added robots.txt and sitemap.xml to website
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-03-17
- fixed CSV export being limited to one week
- fixed small styling issue
Release: 2021-03-14
- fixed some issues with updating subscriptions
Release: 2021-03-12
- added payments
- fixed calculating bounce rate growth
- fixed filtering by path for growth statistics
Release: 2021-03-02
- fixed average time on page calculation for today
Release: 2021-02-26
- fixed green bar for propotion in lists
- fixed calculating average time on page/session duration
- fixed visitors today showing NaN on load
Release: 2021-02-26
- added number formatting (separators) to all numbers in lists and tables
- added average session duration to the dashboard
- added time on page to the detailed page statistics (modal dialog)
- added page views to the dashboard
- bounce graph now shows the bounce rate instead of absolute bounces for each day
- added formatting for labels to graphs (on hover)
- moved active pages to a modal dialog (click on the active visitors on top of the dashboard)
- fixed tooltip triggering clicks on mobile and opening up panels
- fixed showing visitors today graph while filtering by page
- fixed deleting accounts marked for deletion
- fixed accepting hits for domains starting with www if the domain has been configured with www as a subdomain
Release: 2021-02-16
- added tooltips to dashboard
- infrastructure and maintenance
Release: 2021-02-14
- added absolute and relative visitor and bounce statistics to CSV export for pages and referrer
- fixed saving history state when navigating
- fixed selecting export dates
Release: 2021-02-06
- fixed country statistics
- fixed order of page statistics
- performance improvements
Release: 2021-01-31
- filter parameters are now displayed in the URL and no longer stored locally
- percentages are now formatted with two decimal places and localized to en-US
- small optimizations for the dashboard
- only allow following referrers if it's a valid URL
- we no longer show referrers on our live demo for our own subdomains, like or our customer public dashboards
- added bounce rate per page and referrer
- added relative visitor count for pages
- display the name and icon for Android apps
Release: 2021-01-26
- removed enlarge button from active page panel (this is a fix)
- fixed modal border when it's scrollable
- fixed referrer in email reports
Release: 2021-01-25
- export your data to CSV in the settings
- add email addresses to send reports (weekly, monthly)
- improved dashboard design and usability (better colors, sticky header)
- fixed filter limits when start date was swapped with end date and and end date was before the limit
Release: 2021-01-19
- the bounce rate is now displayed as a relative number instead of showing the total number of bounces
- fixed updating JavaScript snippet when identification code is reset
- fixed filtering the hostname as a referrer (including www as a prefix)
Release: 2021-01-16
- fixed documentation links after adding a domain
- updated Pirsch library (added source and utm_source as query parameters for referrers)
Release: 2021-01-15
- show selected domain in title
- updated dependencies
Release: 2021-01-14
- added a custom favicon service (open-source, you can find it here)
Release: 2021-01-13
- updated dependencies
Released: 2021-01-07
- fixed "(unknown)" for languages
- fixed referrer icon for direct/none
Released: 2021-01-07
- added public access links to the settings page
- added profile pictures for members to the settings page
- "(unknown)" is no longer displayed, except you open the detailed view or no other data is present
- opening the detailed view for statistics now show all stats immediately
- better time and day format
- added favicons to referrers
Released: 2021-01-03
- added account deletion on the settings page
- accounts that haven't been activated after a month are now automatically deleted
- fixed time range selection when switching domain or filtering for path
- fixed ignoring subdomains for referrer
Released: 2021-01-01
- screen sizes are now grouped
- added buttons to copy client ID, client secret, and JavaScript snippet to clipboard
- fixed displaying some error messages
- fixed inviting someone to more than one domain with the same mail address
Released: 2020-12-28
- fixed the dashboard not rendering on Safari
- fixed visitors being counted multiple times in statistics for paths